

제목 Product News 등록일 2023.09.07 10:18
글쓴이 주)에이씨엑스 조회 1116

Driving in motion: intelligent RGB LED beckons new era for colorful dynamic interior lighting 

Dynamic lighting promises to add value to cars by combining changes in color and brightness with pulsing, breathing or moving light effects, for decorative or functional purposes. The OSIRE® E3731i and Open System Protocol (OSP) enable dynamic interior lighting to be implemented with a simpler architecture, fewer components, less wiring and at lower system cost. The OSIRE® LED features a digital core that enables low-latency communication over a standard serial bus interface with any microcontroller. Using a new and license-free new OSP, any microcontroller can transmit instructions to modulate brightness and color individually to each LED. 


High speed inspections: global shutter CMOS image sensors also in color version 

Faster inspection and higher data throughputs for the most demanding machine vision applications, that is what the two new CSG family members offer. With a resolution of up to 13.8Mpixels or speed up to 231 frames/s, they bring new performance options to designers of industrial vision equipment.  

Both the CSG14K and the CSG8K are now available in either color or mono. They fit a standard camera’s 1” optical format for CSG14K and 1/1.1” for CSG8K use in optical inspection equipment and other industrial applications.